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Discover how Viant's sustainability program Adtricity is driving carbon reduction in digital advertising.

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Driving A More Sustainable Future for Digital Advertising with Adtricity

Digital advertising’s carbon impact is increasingly a hot topic within and beyond the industry. And it makes sense: while our environmental footprint may be less noticeable than other sectors of the economy, recent estimates show digital advertising accounts for roughly 3.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions — a number that is growing at 6% annually.

As awareness of the industry’s environmental impact increases, brands and marketers are searching for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

That’s why in early 2023 we launched Adricity®.

Adtricity is Viant’s sustainability program created to drive carbon reduction in digital advertising.


Renewable energy credits, or RECs, are an accounting tool for energy usage claims and provide companies around the nation, even in states that do not offer or produce renewable energy, with a means to help achieve their sustainability goals while fostering U.S. clean energy production.

With our Adtricity customer incentive program, RECs can be delivered to brands and marketers for media investment through the Viant DSP — at no extra cost*.

*Except costs incurred in purchasing, managing and/or retiring or transferring RECs.

Infographic of Renewable Energy Credits Process

Counting Your Carbon Emissions

Our carbon emissions calculator, powered by Scope3, displays emissions potentially generated from our clients’ ad campaigns — and the possible RECs they can earn via the Adtricity Customer Incentive Program.


Carbon Visibility with Scope3

As Viant’s emissions measurement partner, Scope3 provides our customers a transparent look into the carbon emissions of their campaigns directly in the Viant DSP. This visibility enables them to help reach their sustainability goals and reduce their overall environmental footprint.

Viant Sustainability Report

Viant is proud to announce that we achieved carbon neutrality in the calendar year 2023. Read more about our journey and what’s next in our annual sustainability report.


Get Started with Viant’s Adtricity Program

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Achieving Your Sustainability Goals with Viant

What are RECs?

Dive into Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and why they’ve become a popular way for the industry to address its carbon impact.

Cutting Your Carbon Emissions

Learn how Viant’s Adtricity initiative can help advertisers achieve their sustainability goals while supporting U.S. clean energy infrastructure.